Full-time faculty

Basma Bekdache Assistant Professor of Teaching in Finance b.bekdache@wayne.edu
Boysie Billings Professor of Accounting aa4816@wayne.edu
Abhijit Biswas Chair, Department of Marketing
Kmart Endowed Chair and Professor of Marketing
WSU Board of Governors Distinguished Faculty Fellow
Heidi Bulich Associate Professor of Teaching in Accounting hbulich@wayne.edu
Timothy Butler Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management timothy.butler@wayne.edu
Sung Gon Chung Associate Professor of Accounting fq8651@wayne.edu
Toyin Clottey Professor of Global Supply Chain Management hp9434@wayne.edu
Catherine Cuckovich Assistant Professor of Teaching in Marketing ft7675@wayne.edu
Ranjan D'Mello Professor of Finance rdmello@wayne.edu
Mai Datta Professor of Finance mdatta@wayne.edu
Alexander Davidson Associate Professor of Marketing alexdavidson@wayne.edu
Cassandra Davis Assistant Professor of Marketing gm5288@wayne.edu
Sujay Dutta Professor of Marketing sujaydutta@wayne.edu
Azy Eftekhari Assistant Professor of Teaching in Accounting
"BA1500" Business Tools and Applications Course Coordinator
aeftekhari@wayne.edu / hg0247@wayne.edu
Frank Goeddeke Assistant Professor of Teaching in Management av1331@wayne.edu
Deborah Habel Associate Professor of Teaching, Accounting dlhabel@wayne.edu
John Heinrichs Associate Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics ai2824@wayne.edu
Christine Jackson Chair, Department of Management
Professor of Management
Nusrat Jahan Assistant Professor of Accounting hj5953@wayne.edu
Anand Jha Chair, Department of Finance
Professor of Finance
Deborah Jones Associate Professor of Teaching in Accounting
Accounting Lab Manager
Rhoda Joseph Chair of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics rhoda.joseph@wayne.edu
Scott Julian Professor of Management dv4761@wayne.edu
Kevin Ketels Associate Professor of Teaching in Global Supply Chain Management
Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programs
Virginia Kleist Dean, Mike Ilitch School of Business
Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics
Manoj Kulchania Professor of Finance manoj.kulchania@wayne.edu
Sungjoung Kwon Assistant Professor of Finance skwon@wayne.edu
Cheol Lee Chair, Department of Accounting
Professor of Accounting
Jaegul Lee Associate Professor of Management jaegul.lee@wayne.edu
Ariel Levi Assistant Professor of Teaching in Management a.levi@wayne.edu
Xing Liu Assistant Professor of Management xingliu@wayne.edu
Marick Masters Professor of Management marickm@wayne.edu
Elizabeth McQuillen Associate Professor of Teaching in Technology, Information Systems and Analytics Elizabeth.McQuillen@wayne.edu
Santanu Mitra Professor of Accounting smitra@wayne.edu
Ahmed Mohamadean Assistant Professor of Teaching in Technology, Information Systems and Analytics hn0916@wayne.edu
Mbodja Mougoue Professor of Finance
Ph.D. Coordinator in Finance
Prabhjot Mukandwal Assistant Professor of Global Supply Chain Management prabsm@wayne.edu
Sheri Perelli Associate Professor of Teaching in Management sheri_perelli@wayne.edu
Jeremy Peters Assistant Professor, Music Business jeremy.peters@wayne.edu
Matt Piszczek Associate Professor of Management gl3558@wayne.edu
Ajay Ponnapalli Assistant Professor of Management ajay.ponnapalli@wayne.edu
Tamme Quinn-Grzebyk Assistant Professor of Teaching in Management tammequinn@wayne.edu
Aharon Arik Ragowsky Associate Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics aragowsky@wayne.edu
Jeff Rightmer Assistant Professor of Teaching in Global Supply Chain Management gs9974@wayne.edu
Ajit Sharma Assistant Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics gm5546@wayne.edu
Gary Shields Associate Professor of Teaching in Management gary.shields@wayne.edu
Lori Sisk Assistant Professor of Teaching in Global Supply Chain Management ap4585@wayne.edu
Toni Somers Associate Dean
Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics
Myles Stern Associate Professor of Accounting ac8360@wayne.edu
Jeff Stoltman Associate Professor of Marketing jeffstoltman@wayne.edu
Cuyler Strong Assistant Professor of Finance cuyler.strong@wayne.edu
Jing Sun Assistant Professor of Management jing@wayne.edu
Scott Tainsky Professor of Management
Director of Sport and Entertainment Management
Andrea Tangari Professor of Marketing andrea.tangari@wayne.edu
John Taylor Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management taylorjohn@wayne.edu
Amanuel Tekleab Professor of Management atekleab@wayne.edu
Francesca Toscano Assistant Professor of Finance toscanof@wayne.edu
William Volz Distinguished Service Professor of Business Law and Ethics ab9241@wayne.edu
Daniel Weimer Associate Professor of Teaching in Accounting ay6233@wayne.edu
Chao Wu Assistant Professor of Global Supply Chain Management Chao-Wu@wayne.edu
Attila Yaprak Professor of Marketing and International Business
Director, Doctoral Programs
Hakan Yildiz Chair, Department of Global Supply Chain Management
Associate Professor of Global Supply Chain Management
Carrie Zhang Assistant Professor of Management hm5183@wayne.edu; carriezhang@wayne.edu
Yuxin Zhang Assistant Professor of Technology, Information Systems and Analytics yuxin_zhang@wayne.edu