Jaegul Lee
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Mike Ilitch School of Business
2771 Woodward Avenue
Room 469
Detroit, MI 48201
Get to know Jaegul Lee
Jaegul Lee is a tenured Associate Professor at the Mike Ilitch School of Business, where he has been a dedicated faculty member since 2007. Prior to this role, Jaegul served as an Assistant Professor and contributed to research and academic development at prestigious institutions globally. He has held visiting scholar positions at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management (2012) and the Division of Engineering & Technology Management at the National University of Singapore (2008).
With a robust background in the industry as an engineer at Kia Motors (1994-2000) and post-doctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University (2005-2007), Lee brings a wealth of experience bridging academia and practice. His research and teaching are informed by a commitment to advancing business knowledge through practical application and innovation.
- Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- B.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
- Strategic Management
- Technology and Innovation Management & Policy
- Entrepreneurship
Courses taught
- PhD seminar in Organization Theory (Wayne State U)
- PhD seminar in Entrepreneurship (Wayne State U)
- Strategic Management (MBA Capstone - Wayne State U)
- Business Policy & Strategy Management (Undergrad Capstone-Wayne State U)
- Intellectual Property Management (M.S. program in MOT-National U of Singapore)
- Greiner, M., and Lee, J. "Extending the market theory of corporate political activity," Long Range Planning, Forthcoming, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102305
- Greiner, M., and Lee, J. 2021 "US companies and political influence: How business can read the government landscape better,” Journal of Business Strategy. 42(1):69-75.
- Greiner, M., and Lee, J. 2020. "A supply-side approach to corporate political activity: Performance consequences of ideologically driven CPA," Journal of Business Research. 115: 25-37.
- Billings, B.A., Lee, C, and Lee, J. 2018 "Dividend tax policy and private-sector research and development spending: A modified perspective on the impact of U.S. 2003 tax reform act on R&D spending." Advances in Taxation, 25, 51-72.
- Choi, J. H., and Lee. J. 2018. " Firm size and compositions of R&D expenditures: Evidence from a panel of R&D performing manufacturing firms." Industry and Innovation 25(5), 459-481.
- Choi, J. H, and Lee, J., 2017 "Repairing the R&D market failure: Public R&D subsidy and the composition of private R&D." Research Policy 46, 1465-1478.
- Seth, T., and Lee, J., 2017. "Consensus and conflict: Exploring moderating effects of knowledge workers on industry environment and entrepreneurial entry relationship." Journal of Business Research 17, 119-132.
- Tang, M. F., Lee, J., Liu K., and Lu Y., 2014. “Assessing government-supported technology-based business incubator programs: Evidence from China.” International Journal of Technology Management 65(1/2/3/4), 24-48. [Special Issue: Entrepreneurship in China]
- Berente, N., and Lee, J., 2014. “How process improvement efforts can drive organizational innovativeness.” Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 26(4), 417-433.
- Lee, J., and Berente, N. 2013. “The era of incremental innovation in the technology innovation life cycle: An analysis of the automotive emission control industry,” Research Policy 42(8), 1469-1481.
- Lee, J., and Berente N. 2012. “Digital innovation and the division of innovative labor: Digital controls in the automotive industry.” Organization Science 23(5), 1409-1427.
- Lee, J., Veloso, M. F., and Hounshell, D., 2011. “Linking induced technological change and environmental regulation: Evidence from patenting in the U.S. auto industry,” Research Policy 40(9), 1240-1252.
- Lee, J., Veloso, M. F., Hounshell, D., and Rubin, E. 2010. “Forcing technological change: A case of automobile emissions control technology development in the U.S" Technovation 30(4), 249-264.
- Lee, J., and Veloso, M. F., 2008. “Inter-firm innovation under uncertainty: Empirical evidence for strategic knowledge-partitioning.” Journal of Product Innovation Management 25(5), 418-435.