Santanu Mitra

Professor of Accounting
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Mike Ilitch School of Business
2771 Woodward Avenue
Room 307
Detroit, MI 48201
Get to know Santanu Mitra
Professional experience
- Professor, Department of Accounting, Mike Ilitch School of Business, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
- Sessional Faculty in Master of Management Program at University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Mike Ilitch School of Business, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
- Interim Chair, Department of Accounting, School of Business Administration, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
- Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Law and Taxation, School of Business, Montclair State University, New Jersey
- Assistant Professor, Department of Accounting Law and Taxation, School of Business, Montclair State University, New Jersey
- Instructor at the Department of Accounting, Louisiana State University
Professional memberships
- American Accounting Association
- European Accounting Association
- Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand
Associate Editor
- Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Editorial board member
- Review of Accounting and Finance
- Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting
- Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly
- Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals
- Review of Accounting and Finance
- Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory
- Corporate Governance: An International Review
- Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
- Advances in Accounting
- Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting
- Journal of Public Budgeting Accounting and Financial Management
- Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
- Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
- Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
- Accounting and Finance
- International Journal of Auditing
- Ph.D., Louisiana State University
- M.B.A., University of New Hampshire
- M.Com., University of Calcutta, India
- B. Com. (Honors in Accountancy), University of Calcutta, India
- Chartered Accountant
- Financial Accounting
- Intermediate Financial Accounting
- Financial Statement Analysis
- Managerial Accounting
- Cost Management
- Corporate Governance
Interested in financial accounting, audit and capital market-based research – empirical research in the areas of earnings management, audit-fee economics and auditor independence, capital market response to various accounting and firm-specific phenomena, capital market-based anomalies, environmental regulations and firm-specific disclosure practices.
- Persistent firm-level political risk and asymmetric cost adjustments, with Masako Darrough, Mahmud Hossain and Anand Jha, Advances in Accounting (Forthcoming)
- Does headquarters location matter in corporate tax avoidance? with Mahmud Hossain, Journal of Financial Stability Vol. 64 (Feb. 2023)
- Taxation of Cryptocurrency Transactions: Consequences of Hard Forks, Soft Forks, and Airdrops, with B. Anthony Billings and KJ Kim, Tax Notes Federal 178 (6): 827-834
- Do auditors account for firm-level political risk? with Mahmud Hossain, International Journal of Auditing 26 (4): 534-552
- Firm level political risk and corporate tax avoidance, with Mahmud Hossain and Gerald Lobo, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 60 (1): 295-327
- Tax avoidance and corporate investments, with Mahmud Hossain and Gerald Lobo, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 25 (2): 1-53
- A comparative study of OECD’s global minimum tax rules with the U.S. GILTI tax regime, with Tony Billings and KJ Kim, Tax Notes International 105 (4): 417-423
- The other side of clawback provisions in executive compensation contracts: Evidence from investment efficiency, with Cheol Lee and Sohyung Kim, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies 52 (1): 1-50
- CEO tenure and audit pricing, with Hakjoon Song, Sang Mook Lee and Shin Hyoung Kwon, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 55 (2): 427-459
- Narrative disclosures, firm life cycle and audit fees, with Mahmud Hossain, Mahmud Hossain and Feras Salama, International Journal of Auditing 23 (3): 403-423
- New Incentives for US corporations to bring intangible property home, with B. Anthony Billings and KJ Kim, Tax Notes Vol. 94 (13): 1293-1299
- Does late 10K filing impact companies' financial reporting strategy? Evidence from discretionary accruals and real transaction management, with Talal Al-Hayale and Mahmud Hossain, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 46 (5-6): 569-607
- Managerial overconfidence, ability, firm-governance and audit fees, with Bikki Jaggi and Talal Al-Hayale, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 52 (3): 841-870
- Enterprise risk mangement and analysts' forecasts: evidence from insurance companies, with Mahmud Hossain and Feras Salama, Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting Vol. 17: 1-32
- Organized Labor and Audit Fees, with Lin Cheng and Hakjoon Song, Accounting Horizons 31 (4): 93-108
- The Effect of Managerial Stock Ownership on the Relationship between Material Internal Control Weaknesses and Audit Fees, with Bikki Jaggi and Talal Al-Hayale, Review of Accounting and Finance 16 (2): 239-259
- Auditor's downward switch, governance and accounting conservatism, with Bikki Jaggi and Talal Al-Hayale, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance 31 (4): 551-581
- Fair value accounting and reliability: The problem with level 3 estimates, with Sung Gon Chung and Cheol Lee, The CPA Journal July 2016: 60-63
- The effect of auditing standard no. 5 on audit report lags, with Hakjoon Song and Joon Sung Yang, Accounting Horizons, Vol. 29 (3): 507-527
- Can capital punishment deter financial reporting fraud?, with Mahmud Hossain and Zabihollah Razaee, Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting (Forthcoming)
- Earnings Quality, Internal Control Weaknesses and Industry-Specialist Audits, with Bikki Jaggi and Mahmud Hossain, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 45 (1): 1-32
- Voluntary Disclosure of Auditor Changes and Capital Market Reaction to Information Disclosure, with Mahmud Hossain and Zabihollah Razaee, Research in Accounting Regulations 26: 40-53
- Audit Regulations and Bank Shareholders' Wealth: An International Analysis, with Mahmud Hossain and Zabihollah Razaee, Research in Accounting Regulations 25: 252-257.
- Internal Control Weaknesses and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Period, with Bikki Jaggi and Mahmud Hossain, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Vol. 28 (2): 152-191.
- Product Price Competition and Management's Action to Avoid earnings Disappointments, with Mahmud Hossain and Pankaj Jain, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Vol. 41 (4): 585-610.
- Partial State Ownership and Bank Stock Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region, with Mahmud Hossain and Pankaj Jain, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 21: 914-931
- Corporate Ownership Characteristics and Timeliness of Remediation of Internal Control Weaknesses, with Mahmud Hossain and Barry Marks, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol 27 (9): 846-877
- Corporate Governance and Earnings management in the Pre and Post SOX Regime: Evidence from Implicated Option Backdating Firms, with Mahmud Hossain, Zabihollah Razaee and Bharat Sarath, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance (2011 spring issue): 283-319
- Corporate Governance Attributes and Remediation of Internal Control Deficiencies Reported under SOX Section 404, with Mahmud Hossain, Review of Accounting and Finance Vol. 10 (1): 5-29
- Incremental Information Content of Option Related Excess Tax Benefit under FASB Statement No. 123R: Initial Evidence, with Mahmud Hossain and Zabihollah Razaee, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management (April 2011 Issue)
- Pervasiveness, Severity and Remediation of Internal Control Material Weaknesses under SOX Section 404 and Audit Fees, sole author, Review of Accounting and Finance (Vol. 8, No. 4)
- The Association between Audit Fees and Reported Earnings Quality in the Pre and Post Sarbanes-Oxley Regimes, with Donald R. Deis and Mahmud Hossain, Review of Accounting and Finance Vol. 8, Issue 3: 232-252
- Incremental Role of Non-Financial Metrics in Predicting Performance and Market Valuation of the U.S. Oil and Gas Companies, with D. Larry Crumbley, Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal Vol. 27, No. 3: 73-97
- Value-Relevance of Pension Transition Adjustments and OCI Components in the Adoption Year of SFAS #158, with Mahmud Hossain, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol. 33 (3), pp. 279-301
- Pre and Post Sox Association between Audit Firm Tenure and Earnings Management Risk, with Donald R. Deis and Mahmud Hossain, Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting (On-line publication; Vol. 1, Issue 1, January to June 2009) Formerly Journal of Forensic Accounting
- Perceptions of Non-Accounting Business Majors about Management Accounting Course, with Mahmud Hossain and Cynthia Heagy, Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, December 2008.
- US Oil Companies Earnings Management in Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. with Donal Byard of Baruch College, CUNY and Mahmud Hossain of University of Memphis, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy Vol. 26, December 2007 pp. 733-748.
- Stock ownership structure and voluntary disclosure of quarterly foreign segment data of the U.S. multinational corporations, with Mahmud Hossain and Barry Marks, Multinational Business Review Vol. 14 (3), 2006.
- Ownership composition and non-audit service fees, with Mahmud Hossain, Journal of Business Research Vol. 60, April 2007 pp. 348-356.
- The empirical relationship between ownership characteristics and audit fees, with Donald Deis and Mahmud Hossain, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol. 28 (3) April 2007, pp. 257-285.
- Non-audit service fees and auditor independence: Empirical evidence from the oil and gas industry, sole-author, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance, Winter 2007 Issue, pp. 85-107.
- Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation of the U.S. Multinational Oil and Gas Companies, sole-author, Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal, Summer 2006, Vol. 25 (2), pp.77-98.
- Kansas Beats the Indians: State Motor Fuel Tax OKD, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, September 2006, pp. 81-85.
- Restoring credibility of proved oil and gas reserve reporting practices after the SHELL restatements, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, June 2006, pp.713-726.
- Institutional stock ownership, accrual management and information environment, with W.M. Cready, Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance; Vol. 20 (3), Summer 2005, pp. 257-286.
- Institutional investors, managerial ownership and accrual management, sole-author, Journal of Forensic Accounting; Vol. VI (1), 2005, pp. 77-101.
- The relationship between financial distress and restatement of financial statements, with Nashwa George, Journal of Accounting Ethics and Public Policy, 2004; Vol. 4 (4), pp. 259-272.
- Accrual management pattern of electric utility firms in deregulated environment, sole-author, Journal of Accounting Ethics and Public Policy 2004; Vol. 4 (3), pp. 209-234.
- Firm characteristics and voluntary disclosure of geographic segment data by U.S. multinational companies, with Mahmud Hossain of University of Houston. International Journal of Accounting Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 2004; Vol. 1 (3), pp.288-303.
- The effect of non-financial factors on cross-sectional difference in audit and non-audit fee levels of oil and gas firms, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal Vol. 23 (2) Summer 2004, pp.1-12.
- Shell-Shocked: Restatement of Oil Reserves by the Petroleum Giant, with D. Larry Crumbley and Mahmud Hossain, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly,Sept. 2004, pp. 11-22.
- Change in overburden removal costs treatment requires IRS approval, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, June 2004, pp.751-758.
- Earnings management and politically sensitive environment: Another test of corporate response to political costs, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal (Fall/Winter2003 issue) Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 1-24.
- The tax court bumps fifth circuit: Metro loses accumulated earnings reductions, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly December 2003, pp. 329-336.
- Stopping fraud in the oil patch, with Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, September 2003, pp.19-34.
- 10K annual report and market pricing of environmental segment information for chemical firms, with Donald R. Deis, Louisiana State University and Mahmud Hossain, Baruch College, CUNY, Accounting Enquiries, Fall/Winter 2001/2002, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-42.
- The provision for non-audit services and the low-balling of audit fees for firms in the oil and gas industry, with Donald R. Deis, Larry Crumbley and Kinney Reynolds of Louisiana State University, Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, Fall 2002, pp. 87-109.
- Discretionary accounting accruals: A methodological issue in earnings management research, with Jason Rodrigue of Louisiana State University, Journal of Forensic Accounting, Vol. III, No. 2, 2002, pp.185-206.
- The changing scenario of stranded investments in the restructured electric utility industry, sole-author, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, December 2001, pp: 391-408.
- Environmental disclosure requirement and corporate response: A primer, sole-author, Oil Gas and Energy Quarterly, December 2000, pp: 451-471.
Book chapters
- February 2008, Institutional Stock Ownership, Accrual Management and Information Environment, Co-authored with William Cready of University of Texas at Dallas, published in the book entitled, Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting (Volume I to III); Publisher: SAGE Publication [ISBN# 9781847870025].
- January 2008, Internal Control Deficiencies, Firm Characteristics and External Auditors, Co-authored with Nashwa George of Montclair State University, published in the book entitled, Emerging Theories for Educators and Practitioners, Editors: Mackenzie and Rosenberg,Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing [ISBN# 9781847183675 and 1-84718-367-0].
- Presentation: "Does auditor account for firm-level political risk" American Accounting Association National Meeting 2020
- Presentation: "“The other side of clawback provisions in executive compensation contracts: evidence from investment efficiency” American Accounting Association 2018 Midwest Region Meeting
- Presentation: "Organized labor and audit fees" European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2017 at Valencia, Spain
- Presentation: “Late 10K filings and financial reporting response” American Accounting Association National Meeting 2016 at New York City
- Discussant: “The effect of auditor incentives and auditor competency of Big N and non-Big N auditors on audit quality: Evidence from initial public offerings in the US market” American Accounting Association National Meeting 2016 at New York City
- Moderator: Concurrent session on audit pricing, American Accounting Association National Meeting 2016 at New York City
- Presentation: "Managerial stock ownership, Internal control weaknesses and audit fees" European Accounting Association Annual Congress 2015 at Glasgow, UK.
- Presentation: "Does capital punishment deter financial reporting fraud" British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference 2014 at London, UK.
- Presentation: "Managerial stock ownership, internal control weaknesses and audit fees" American Accounting Association Midwest Regional Meeting 2014 at Minneapolis, MN
- Presentation: "Auditor-Client Downward Realignment and Accounting Conservatism" American Accounting Association National Conference 2013 at Anaheim, CA
- Discussant: "Founding Family Ownership and Insuatry-Specialist Auditors: Evidence from the S&P 1500" American Accounting Association National Conference 2013 at Anaheim, CA
- Presentation: "Internal Control Weaknesses and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Period" American Accounting Association National Conference 2012 at Washington D.C.
- Presentation: "Corporate Ownership Characteristics and Timeliness in Remediation of Internal Control Weaknesses" American Accounting Association National Conference 2011 at Denver, CO.
- Presentation: "Earnings Quality, Audits by Industry-Specialists and Ineffective Internal Controls" American Accounting Association National Conference 2011 at Denver, CO.
- Discussant: "Independent Audit Committee Characteristics and Real Earnings Management: Evidence after Sarbanes-Oxley Act" American Accounting Association National Conference 2011 at Denver, CO.
- Presentation: "Industry Specialist Auditors and Quality of Financial Information: An Empirical Analysis" American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting 2011 at Dublin, OH.
- Presentation: "Auditor Industry Specialization and Earnings Management of Firms Reporting Internal Control Weaknesses under SOX Section 404" -Co-authored with Mahmud Hossain, American Accounting Association Ohio Regional Meeting 2010 at Columbus, OH.
- Presentation: "Pervasiveness and Remediation of Internal Control Material Weaknesses Reported under SOX Section 404 and Audit Fees" American Accounting Association National Conference 2009 at New York City.
- Discussant: "Internal Control Quality and Analyst Forecast Behavior: Evidence from SOX Section 404 Disclosures" American Accounting Association National Conference 2009 at New York City.
- Presentation: "Quality Difference in Reported Earnings between Andersen and Non-Andersen Big 5 Client Companies: A Time-Series Comparative Analysis" co-authored with Mahmud Hossain, American Accounting Association Midwest Regional Meeting 2009 at St. Louis, MO.
- Presentation: "Value-Relevance of Pension Transition Adjustments and Other Comprehensive Income Components in the Adoption Year of SFAS No. 158" co-authored with Mahmud Hossain, American Accounting Association Annual Conference 2008 at Anaheim, CA.
- Presentation: "Stock option backdating Practices and earnings management" co-authored with Mahmud Hossain, Zabihollah Razaee and Bharat Sharat, American Accounting Association Annual Conference 2008 at Anaheim, CA.
- Discussant: "Industry Specialization, Audit-Firm Scale Economies and Audit Pricing", American Accounting Association Annual Conference 2008 at Anaheim, CA.
- proceeding: Incremental Information Content of Option Related Excess Tax Benefit under FASB Statement No. 123R: Initial Evidence co-authored with Mahmud Hossain and Zabihollah Razaee of University of Memphis, American Accounting Association 2008 Ohio Regional Conference at Dayton, OH.
- Proceeding: The Association between Audit Fees and Reported Earnings Quality in the Pre and Post Sarbanes-Oxley Regime, co-authored with Donald Deis of Texas (A&M) University and Mahmud Hossian of University of Memphis, American Accounting Association 2008 Auditing Midyear Conference held at Austin, TX.
- Discussant: Internal Governance, external governance and internal control remediations, American Accounting Association 2008 Auditing Midyear Conference held at Austin, TX.
- Proceeding: Earnings Management by US Oil Companies in Response to High Political Costs in the Post Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Period, co-authored with Donal Byard of Baruch College and Mahmud Hossain of University of Memphis, American AccountingAssociation 2007 Annual Conference at Chicago.
- Proceeding: Pre and Post SOX Associations between Audit Firm Tenure and Earnings Management Risk, co-authored with Donald Deis of Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi, American Accounting Association 2007 Annual Conference at Chicago.
- Discussant: Was Arthur Andersen Less than Its Peers? A Comparative Analysis of Audit Quality. 2007 American Accounting Association National Conference at Chicago.
- Proceeding: An Analysis of Revenue Redistribution and Audit Fee Growth for the Large CPA Firms in the period surrounding the Enactment of Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Co-authored with Donald R. Deis (Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi), American Accounting Association 2007 Southeast Regional Conference at Atlanta.
- Proceeding: An Analysis of Revenue Redistribution and Audit Fee Growth for the Large CPA Firms in the Pre versus Post Sarbanes-Oxley Regime. 2006 Annual Conference of International Academy of Business and Economics at Las Vegas.
- Proceeding: Internal control deficiencies, firm characteristics and external auditors. 33rd Annual Conference of North East Business and Economics Association in October 2006 at Long Island, NY.
- Presentation in Effective learning strategies forum III. 2006 American Accounting Association National Conference at Washington D.C.
- Moderator: Session on Role of financial and non-financial information. 2006 American Accounting Association National Conference at Washington D.C.
- Proceeding: Association between Audit Firm-Client Relationship and Probability of Financial Statement Fraud. AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Annual Meeting 2006 held at Pittsburgh.
- Discussant: Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Redistribution of Revenues among the Big 4 CPA firms. AAA Mid-Atlantic Region Annual Meeting 2006 held at Pittsburgh.
- Proceeding: Ownership composition and nonaudit service fees. AAA Midyear Auditing Conference 2006 held at Los Angeles.
- Proceeding: The empirical relationship between ownership composition and audit fees. 2005 American Accounting Association National Conference at San Francisco.
- Discussant: Concurrent session on Auditing research on peer-reviews and management fraud. 2005 American Accounting Association National Conference at San Francisco.
- Proceeding: The effect of ownership structure on audit fees. 2005 Mid-year Auditing Section Conference of American Accounting Association held in January 2005 at New Orleans.
- Discussant: Concurrent session on Litigation risk and audit fees. 2005 Mid-year Auditing Section Conference of American Accounting Association at New Orleans.
- Proceeding: Ownership composition and nonaudit service fees. 32nd Annual Conference of North-East Business and Economics Association in October 2005 at Newport, Rhode Island.
- Proceeding: The relationship between financial distress and restatement of financial statements. 31st Annual Conference of North-East Business and Economics Association held at New York City.
- Proceeding: Net present value: An effective long term project evaluation technique. 2005 Annual Conference of International Academy of Business and Economics at Las Vegas.
- Proceeding: The collapse of Enron: What can the accounting and auditing standard setters, auditors and investors learn from this. 2002 Critical Perspective on Accounting Conference held at New York City.
- Mike Ilitch School of Business Performance-based Research Award 2017, 2019
- Best paper award in the American Accounting Association 2018 Midwest Region Meeting
- 2018 Emerald Literati Award for highly commended paper from Emerald Publishing Limited
- Mike Ilitch School of Business 2015 Excellence in Faculty Research Award
- WSU School of Business Administration 2012 Board of Visitors Faculty Fellowship Award
- WSU School of Business Administration 2011 Excellence in Faculty Research Award
- Best Paper Award in the American Accounting Association 2010 Ohio Regional Meeting