Basma Bekdache

Basma Bekdache


Assistant Professor of Teaching in Finance





Mike Ilitch School of Business
2771 Woodward Avenue
Room 380
Detroit, MI 48201

Academic Programs

  • Finance

Basma Bekdache



Assistant Professor (Teaching), Finance, Wayne State University, 2021-Present

Senior Lecturer, Finance, Wayne State University, 2018-2021

Assistant Professor, Economics, Wayne State University, 1995-2003



  • American Economic Association


  • Ph.D., Boston College, Economics, with concentration in Finance and Econometrics, 1995
  • M.A, University of Toledo, Economics and Applied Econometrics, 1990
  • B.B.A , University of Toledo, Finance, 1988

AACSB specialty

Finance - incl Banking

Research and teaching interests

  • Business finance
  • International finance
  • Business economics
  • Monetary economics


  • “Term Premia and the Maturity Composition of the Federal Debt: New Evidence From the Term Structure of Interest Rates’’ 2001, Journal of Forecasting, 20 (7), pp. 519-539.
  • “The Time-Varying Behavior of Real Interest Rates: A reevaluation of the Recent Evidence” 1999, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 14, 171-190.
  • “Alternative Approaches to Modeling Time Variation in the Case of the U.S. Real Interest Rate”, 1998, Computational Economics, 11, 41-51.
  • “Factor-GARCH Modeling of the Treasury Term Structure”, with Christopher F. Baum, in Computational Approaches to Economic Problems, 1997, edited by H. Amman, B. Rustem, and Andrew Whinston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 3-16.
  • “The Term Structure of Interest Rates: An Empirical Investigation Using Multiprocess Mixture Models” in Advances in Econometrics, 1995, edited by Tom Fomby and R.C. Hill (subvolume titled Bayesian Methods Applied to Time Series Data), JAE Press, pp. 215-48.

Courses taught by Basma Bekdache

Fall Term 2024 (future)

Spring-Summer Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Spring-Summer Term 2022

Winter Term 2022