Andrea Tangari
Professor of Marketing
Director, Doctoral Programs
Mike Ilitch School of Business
2771 Woodward Avenue
Room 211
Detroit, MI 48201
Other roles:
Ph.D. Program Advisor, Marketing
Associate Editor:
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Journal of Business Research
Academic Programs
- Marketing
Andrea Tangari
Dr. Tangari's research interests include consumer reactions to marketing communications and labeling with a focus on consumer welfare and policy issues. She has published research in journals such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, among others. She also serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and the Journal of Business Research.
Dr. Tangari is the Department of Marketing PhD Advisor. She teaches in the areas of marketing strategy and sustainable business. She has won teaching awards including the Wayne State University President's Award For Excellence in Teaching (2022), Mike Ilitch School of Business Inspirational Teaching Award (2021), and the Mike Ilitch School of Business Sue Garr Innovative Teaching Award (2020).
- Ph.D., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
- M.B.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
- B.S., Indiana University, Bloomington
- Marketing and public policy
- Advertising
- Food and nutrition labeling
- Sustainable marketing
- Corporate social responsibility
AACSB specialty
MarketingResearch and teaching interests
- Promotion and persuasion, message framing and its influence on construal levels, framing of psychological distance, consumer decision making, information provision, retail shelf space management and consumer response to retail shelf conditions
Social Marketing Related Interests
- Promoting sustainable consumption, anti-smoking message framing, product labeling, nutrition labeling, sustainable food systems, warning labels, responsible advertising, corporate social responsibility reporting
- Marketing Strategy
- Healthcare Marketing Strategy
- Business and Sustainability
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Archana Mannem, Andrea Heintz Tangari, and Megan Baran (2023), “I've Got the Power: Encouraging Pro-environmental Behavior through Messaging,” Journal of Business Research, 168 (11).
Tangari, Andrea Heintz, Myla Bui, Kelly Haws, and Peggy Liu (2019), “That’s Not So Bad, I’ll Eat More! Backfire Effects of Calories-per-Serving Information on Snack Consumption,” Journal of Marketing, 83 (1), 133-150.
Bublitz, Melissa G., Laura A Peracchio, Charlene A Dadzie, Jennifer Edson Escalas, Jonathan Hansen, Martina Hutton, Gia Nardini, Carrie Absher, Andrea Heintz Tangari (2019), “Food Access for All: Empowering Innovative Local Infrastructure,” Journal of Business Research 100 (7), 354-365.
Tangari, Andrea H., Somak Banerjee, Swati Verma (2019), “Making a Good Thing Even Better? The Impact of Claim Congruency on Competing Product Goals and Consumer Evaluations,” Journal of Business Research, 101 (August), 12-22.
Myla Bui, Andrea Heintz Tangari, Kelly Haws (2017), “Can health “halos” extend to food packaging? An investigation into food healthfulness perceptions and serving sizes on consumption decisions,” Journal of Business Research, 75 (June), 221-228.
Block, Lauren G., Punam A. Keller , Beth Vallen, Sara Williamson, Mia M. Birau, Amir Grinstein, Kelly L. Haws, Monica LaBarge, Cait Lamberton, Elizabeth S. Moore, Emily M. Moscato, Rebecca Walker Reczek, and Andrea Heintz Tangari (2016), “The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision Making Process,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 35 (2), 292-304.
Andrea Heintz Tangari, Scot Burton, and Ronn J. Smith (2015), “Now That’s a Bright Idea: The Influence of Consumer Elaboration and Distance Perceptions on Sustainable Choices,” Journal of Retailing, 91 (3), 410-421.
Andrea Heintz Tangari, Scot Burton, and Cassandra Davis (2014), “Do They Have Your Number? Understanding the Moderating Role of Format Effects and Consumer Numeracy for Quantitative Front-of-Package Nutrition Claims,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 48 (3), 620-633.
Scot Burton, Andrea Heintz Tangari, Elizabeth Howlett, and Anna Turri (2014), “How the Perceived Healthfulness of Restaurant Menu Items Influences Sodium and Calorie Misperceptions: Implications for Nutrition Disclosures in Chain Restaurants,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 48 (1), 62-95.
Christopher L. Newman, Elizabeth Howlett, Scot Burton, John Kozup, and Andrea Tangari (2012), “The Influence of Consumer Concern about Global Climate Change on Framing Effects for Environmental Sustainability Messages,” International Journal of Advertising, 31 (3), 511-527.
Andrea Heintz Tangari and Ronn J. Smith (2012), "How the Temporal Framing of Energy Savings Affects Consumer Product Evaluations and Choice," Psychology & Marketing, 29 (4), 198-208.
Elizabeth Howlett, Scot Burton, Andrea Heintz Tangari and Myla Bui-Nguyen (2012), “Hold the Salt! Effects of Sodium Information Provision, Sodium Content, and Hypertension on Perceived Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Purchase Intentions,” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31 (1), 4-18.
Andrea Heintz Tangari, Jeremy Kees, Craig Andrews, and Scot Burton (2010), “Can Corrective Ad Statements Based on U.S. v. Philip Morris USA Inc. Impact Consumer Beliefs about Smoking?” Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 29 (2), 153-169.
Andrea Heintz Tangari, Scot Burton, Elizabeth Howlett, Yoon-Na Cho and Anastasia Thyroff (2010), “Weighing In On Fast Food Consumption: The Effects of Meal and Calorie Disclosures on Consumer Fast Food Evaluations,” Journal of Consumer Affairs, 44 (3), 431-462. (Awarded the best Journal of Consumer Affairs paper of the year; Reported as the most accessed article for the Journal of Consumer Affairs in July 2012.)
Andrea Heintz Tangari, Judith Anne Garretson Folse, Scot Burton and Jeremy Kees (2010), “The Moderating Influence of Consumers’ Temporal Orientation on the Framing of Societal Threats and Corporate Responses in Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns,” Journal of Advertising, 39 (2), 35-50.
Jeremy Kees, Scot Burton and Andrea Heintz Tangari (2010), “The Impact of Regulatory Focus, Temporal Orientation, and Risk on Attitude toward the Advertisement,” Journal of Advertising, 39 (1), 19-34.
Matthew A. Waller, Brent Williams, Andrea Heintz Tangari and Scot Burton (2010), “Marketing at the Retail Shelf: An Examination of Moderating Effects of Logistics on SKU Market Share,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38 (1), 105-117.
Scot Burton, Elizabeth Howlett and Andrea Heintz Tangari (2009), “Food for Thought: How Will the Nutrition Labeling of Quick Service Restaurant Menu Items Influence Consumers’ Product Evaluations, Purchase Intentions, and Choices?” Journal of Retailing, 85 (3), 258-273.
Wayne State University President's Award For Excellence in Teaching (2022)
Mike Ilitch School of Business Inspirational Teaching Award (nominations from students) (2021)
Mike Ilitch School of Business Service Award (2021)
Thomas C. Kinnear award for outstanding article in the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing (2020) for the article “The Squander Sequence: Understanding Food Waste at Each Stage of the Consumer Decision-Making Process”
Mike Ilitch School of Business Sue Garr Innovative Teaching Award (2020)
Journal of Consumer Affairs Paper of the Year for “Weighing In On Fast Food Consumption: The Effects of Meal and Calorie Disclosures on Consumer Fast Food Evaluations”