In The Media

Tennessee Volkswagen vote to join United Auto Workers Union--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Tennessee Volkswagen employees overwhelmingly vote to join United Auto Workers union--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Autoworkers union celebrates breakthrough win in Tennessee and takes aim at more plants in the South--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Best Airlines (2024)--with Frank Goeddeke
In the Media
Tennessee Volkswagen workers vote on UAW membership this week--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Enbridge warns of adverse impacts on businesses, communities if Canadian oil pipeline is shut down--with Kevin Ketels
In the Media
Michigan universities change up MBA programs to meet demands--with Dean Virginia Kleist
In the Media
Michigan universities change up MBA programs to meet demand--with Dean Virginia Kleist
In the Media
Baltimore bridge collapse, closure of port adds another snag to recovering supply chains--with Kevin Ketels
In the Media
UAW President Shawn Fain Looking For Win At VW As Membership Sinks--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Stellantis announces it will cut 400 engineering and technology jobs to ‘better align resources’ for EV and ‘Dare Forward 2030’ initiatives--with Marick Masters
In the Media
The UAW filing for elections seeking to organize VW’s Tennessee plant--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Before pausing Georgia factory, Rivian struggled to meet expectations--with Kevin Ketels
In the Media
Women and the workforce
In the Media
Broadcast vs. cable vs. streaming: The future of television is a confusing maze for viewers--with Catherine Cuckovich
In the Media
Why is union support so important in politics?--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW secretary-treasurer stripped of certain authorities over misconduct allegations--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW shake-up leads to reassignments amid criticism of a new leader--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Detroit is growing as a VC hub, but deal outlook is still rough for startups--The Future of Venture Capital in Detroit & Southeast Michigan
In the Media
Biden administration pumps brakes on EV transition as election politics come into play--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Home ownership gap from Boomers to Millennials, brings more challenges for younger generations--Julie Hollinshead
In the Media
Localized concerns in auto industry union contracts--with Marick Masters
In the Media
The fight between the UAW and Ford--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW threatens to strike at Ford plant--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Discussing current hiring dynamics, inflation--with Marick Masters
In the Media