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WJR-AM - Detroit, MI
+ Station Reach: 152,500
WJR 2/19/2024 11:19:55 AM: ...product there would have a big impact on Ford of the disputes they talk about safety issues nurse staffing workforce come composition and things like that. Let's bring in americ Masters business professor labor expert at Wayne state University good more how are you very well thanks for having me this morning. Appreciate you of being here it's like here we go again. We did this in kentucky. Once it seemed to work. It had an impact. The Union UAW got a pretty good deal WI go why go back why go back now well it's important. Keep in mind the structure or bargaining in the auto industry and the UAW and the companies D couple their local from their national contracts unlike you have in the Teamsters for example in which they have to get agreement all the local with contracts before they can get an agreement on the national in the case of the auto industry AU you can get your national agreement without having that agreements on your local contracts and local contracts deal with different issues from those that are dealt with at the national level. They're not the staple economic issues that we hear so much about they are those issues that deal with more localized concerns in this case it has to do with health and safety scheduling and also issues Associated with the buyouts that may be made for our skilled workers to 50000 $ buyout. Those things are handled at the local level and it's been our common occurrence in the past month since we don't have many strikes period auto or otherwise. But in the past. You had many strikes in local plants after the national agreements were settled so this from a historical stamp line is is pretty common. We saw how this can impact of forward with it was a big profitable plant being shut down. The factor being shut down out how might it impact the workers I imagine there's thousands of workers potentially disrupted well it's just a localized version of the national scene so of the workers go out on strike, they will lose their pay the company mayor may not cover them would help benefits and the Union will have to pay stark benefits and that will be the same cessation of operations that is complying to this particular plant and it is a very important plant which connects to about a dozen other Ford operations I ...
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