Mike Ilitch School of Business students and alumni enjoy a wealth of resources to support their educational goals and career journey.
Academic advising
Both the undergraduate Frederick Hessler Student Success Center and the Graduate Programs Office offer appointments with academic advisors. They can help you choose a major, create a plan of work, assist with course overrides and help connect you to various resources.
Learning beyond the classroom
There are many opportunities to connect and gain support from day one on campus. For example:
- The Corporate Mentor Program: Get matched with a local business leader and benefit from one-on-one mentoring for a full academic year.
- Get involved in a student organization.
- The Multicultural Professional Readiness Education Program (MPREP) is a learning community designed to encourage, support, develop and retain multicultural, undergraduate business students.
- Visit the Accounting Tutoring Lab for personalized learning accounting and finance sessions.
- Consider AGRADE, a program that applies select undergraduate credits toward an M.B.A. or other business graduate degree
- Computing and technology staff run a computing lab and provide software, technical advice, IT training and more.
Plan your path
The Mike Ilitch School of Business has a dedicated Career Services staff to help you get to land an internship or the perfect job. It's never too soon to meet with a career advisor to plan a path towards your career goals.
Ready to show off your interview skills? Be part of our annual Elevator Pitch Competition, where you'll be tested in Detroit's iconic Renaissance Center elevator by real hiring officers. You may even take home a scholarship prize!
Scholarships and financial aid
We offer many options to help make earning your Wayne State business degree more affordable. Check our all our financial aid resources and apply for scholarships each year.
Study abroad
A global perspective is one of the keys to success, so consider a study abroad experience. If you're an international student, check out Upwardly Global, a national nonprofit providing training for qualified highly skilled immigrants who wish to return to their professional field in the U.S.
First-year interest groups
Designed to bring together students with similar interests or academic goals, First-Year Interest Groups (FIG) utilize block scheduling to create learning communities and simplify registration to two clicks. Block schedules are a combination of courses based on a specific academic interest or theme. Registering for a FIG takes some of the frustration and guesswork out of selecting and registering for classes.
As part of First-Year Student Orientation, students will be invited to sign up for a FIG based on their interests and placement. Most incoming first-year students will take four or five classes their first semester, for a minimum of 12 credits for full-time study. If approved, a set of courses will be pre-loaded into their registration. Students will then work with their advisors to register for their FIG and complete their schedules.
Phoenix Reentry Program
The WSU Mike Ilitch School of Business Phoenix Reentry Program is for WSU students who left on academic probation or exclusion and are now in a position to thrive academically with the opportunity to petition for return under a second start policy at the Ilitch School. Learn more about eligibility and application deadlines completing an information request form.