M.S.O.L. requirements

The M.S. in Organizational Leadership curriculum is designed to meet both student and employer needs.


There are three required core courses and a capstone course that integrates learning across this online M.S.O.L. program. In addition, there are three specialized tracks from which to choose elective courses for a customized learning experience. 

The capstone course, MGT 7815: Strategic Leadership, is taken as part of the last six remaining credits of the program. Students will integrate their knowledge and skills from the required and elective courses taken in the program.

Required three-credit courses (12 credits)

Elective coursework

To create a customized learning experience, students take 6 elective courses, for a total of 18 credits, beyond the required courses. Students can choose to select courses from a list of course offerings or they can complete one or more specialized tracks. The tracks require students to complete three courses related to the track. Students can double count courses toward the fulfillment of more than one track but may not double count credits towards the degree. The tracks are advanced courses that build from and integrate the content covered in three of the required courses (BA 7040, BA 7070, and MGT 7816).

Specialized tracks

Strategic Thinking and Decision Making

Communication and Influence

Leading a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

All students who are eligible to enroll in a fully online program will be assessed regular Michigan resident tuition rates. International students residing outside of the United States can enroll in and complete online programs, and these students would qualify regular Michigan resident tuition rates. International students on F-1 or J-1 visas are ineligible for fully online programs. Please see the Academic Regulations section of the Graduate Bulletin and click "Enrollment in Online Programs."