Telang accounting tutoring lab

The Telang Accounting Tutoring Lab, supported by Susan '90 and Rajan Telang '90, is located in room 329 and offers walk-in tutoring support for the following courses:

  • ACC 3010
  • ACC 3020
  • ACC 5100
  • BA 6000

Information about hours and instructions for using the tutoring lab are available on the Telang Accounting Tutoring Lab Canvas site. If you are enrolled in one of the courses eligible for tutoring lab assistance, you will be automatically enrolled in the Tutoring Lab Canvas site. Be sure to accept the invitation to the Canvas course when you receive it.

Students can drop into the lab for questions about homework assignments, projects, or for answer on specific questions on course material. Tutors are not to be used to teach material presented in textbooks or other course material. Appointments with tutors are on a first come first served basis, however students are allowed to work quietly in the lab until a tutor becomes available.

If you were not automatically enrolled in the Canvas course and you are registered for one of the courses above, or if you have any questions about the Telang Accounting Tutoring Lab, please contact for assistance. Please do not reach out through the Canvas application.