In The Media

Trump blasts Shawn Fain after UAW’s Biden endorsement--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Wayne State helping nonprofits--with Kevin Ketels
In the Media
What UAW backing means for Biden – and why the union’s endorsement took so long--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Econ Battle Zone: Disinflation Confrontation--with Kevin Ketels
In the Media
Carmakers reviewing use of technology to downsize workforce--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Supplemental workers get a big raise in latest contract--with Marick Masters
In the Media
American Advertising Federation’s most promising multicultural students named for 2024-- Ilitch School student Jenna Lutfi among those named
In the Media
A look at Detroit’s Big Three’s 2023 sales numbers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Local businesswoman showcases athleisure brand Formfit Clothing--with marketing student Brooklyn Coby Jackson
In the Media
Opinion: UAW targets nonunion automakers, but needs more than good vibes to pull it off--by Marick Masters
In the Media
Tesla labor issues piling up with pay hikes, Scandinavian strikes weighing on EV maker--with Marick Masters
In the Media
WSU student swims and graduates quickly
In the Media
Toledo Stellantis Could Lay Off Thousands--with Marick Masters
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Wayne State swimmer Trevor Jones to graduate in just over two years
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UAW attempts to organize EV plants--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Could UPS and FedEx get holiday packages to their destinations faster? This research suggests yes--by Toyin Clottey
In the Media
Emboldened U.S. union launches membership campaign at 13 automakers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW to organize workers at all US nonunion factories after winning new contracts in Detroit--with Marick Masters
In the Media
My ‘JR Morning with Guy Gordon, Lloyd Jackson and Jamie Edmonds--with Marick Masters
In the Media
How casino workers resolved two of three strikes with Detroit casinos--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Professor Masters’ insight on UAW’s future
In the Media
UAW members ratify contracts with Big 3 automakers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW launches effort to unionize more automakers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW launches expansion campaign--with Marick Masters
In the Media
GM contract likely to be ratified by small percentage. Here's what that means for the UAW--with Marick Masters
In the Media