Attila Yaprak has had his article "The Phenomenon of Brand Hate: A Systematic Literature Review" accepted in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Attila Yaprak, Professor of Marketing and International Business at the Mike Ilitch School of Business had his publication “The Phenomenon of Brand Hate: A Systematic Literature Review,” accepted in the Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. This paper was co-authored by Rick Bagozzi from the University of Michigan—Ann Arbor, Muhammad Taqi, and Tuba Tugrul. 

This paper reviews the literature on brand hate, a growing negative emotion. It identifies its antecedents, consequences, and definitions, and discusses the methodologies used to examine brand hate relationships. The paper offers a conceptual model viewing brand hate as a mediational influence. 


Research on the positive emotions that consumers develop toward brands is well-established in the marketing literature. Studies on the negative consumer emotions toward brands have been relatively new but growing. In this paper, we report findings from a systematic literature review on one of these emotions, brand hate. We identify the antecedents and possible consequences of brand hate, comment on the literature strands that have come to define brand hate to date, and the methodologies that have been used to examine brand hate relationships. We offer a conceptual model that views brand hate as a mediational influence on brand hate antecedents and outcomes. We comment on the theoretical foundations’ researchers have used as conceptual anchors in their studies and offer promising questions for future research on brand hate issues. 

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