Entrepreneurship and innovation courses

The Mike Ilitch School of Business offers entrepreneurship and innovation courses throughout the year. These courses are open to every major and to business and non-business students. Some unique courses include:

  • EI 5900/7800, Social Entrepreneurship: Designed for students who are thinking about starting or scaling a social enterprise, as well as those students who are just curious about the field and who want to explore career opportunities. Entrepreneurship applied to protracted social problems like poverty, food insecurity and sustainability.
  • EI 5600/7600, Marketing New Ventures: A deep dive into the marketing issues related to getting a new venture positioned, launched and moving along a growth trajectory. Examines differences in marketing new ventures from startups and new products/offerings from established companies.
  • FIN 5280, Entrepreneur's Ecosystem: Explore funding via microloans, crowdfunding, angel funding, and various types of venture capital. Examines the challenges of financing and structuring a deal with investors. Students will attend a symposium where startups pitch to investors.
  • EI 5900/7800, Starting Music Businesses: Social and technological shifts have changed how musicians make and share music. Entire industries have developed around this new paradigm, and entrepreneurs find brilliant new ways for fans to interact with artists. This course will offer students the opportunity to work in teams to "spin up" and test ideas. Teams will explore the process of entrepreneurship relating to music in depth. You will test your idea in front of real customers, and understand how to iterate and continue growing.

Belinksy Entrepreneurial Learning Laboratory (BELL)

The Belinsky Entrepreneurial Learning Laboratory (BELL) offers short-courses and workshops, bringing in special speakers and sponsoring several events. The BELL provides resources, mentoring and expertise to help launch sustainable, investment-ready student startups and startups based on WSU research and intellectual property.