Undergraduate admissions

To become a Mike Ilitch School of Business student, begin by applying to Wayne State University.

Wayne State admissions information

Apply to Wayne State

Declare a business major

You can choose to earn a B.A. or B.S. in business administration. The B.A. has a foreign language requirement where the B.S. does not. When you complete Wayne State's online admissions application, choose one of the following business disciplines as your major:

If you're admitted to Wayne State, you're admitted to the Mike Ilitch School of Business. Your major selection is not binding and can be changed at any time. After you're admitted to the university, simply submit this form to officially declare a business major.

If you have any questions, contact an advisor.

Undergraduate Minors

Business minor

As an undergraduate non-business major, our business minor offers you a terrific opportunity to broaden your understanding of business principles and practices you'll encounter throughout your career, no matter your field of expertise. As a business minor, you'll develop a working knowledge of accounting, finance, management and marketing that will make you more competitive within your field.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor

Both undergraduate business and non-business students may earn a minor in entrepreneurship and innovation. This minor will provide WSU students with specialized knowledge, skills and experience to develop and launch startup ventures or social impact ventures. The program will introduce innovative business thinking, creation and growth strategies, by offering dynamic courses, networking and industry learning experiences. 

Law minor

Earn a law minor to benefit from faculty with expertise in law and business harnessed in one synergetic program. This minor will help students develop skills such as logical and critical thinking, oral and written communication, reading comprehension and analysis along with core business principles and practices. With a law minor, career opportunities are broadened to those with a legal component in local and state government, immigration, human resources, compliance and advocacy and more.

Irvin D. Reid Honors College

Wayne State's Irvin D. Reid Honors College provides the university's highest achieving undergraduate students the opportunity to become members of an engaged and dynamic academic community through a curriculum that is challenging, innovative and interdisciplinary. Honors courses enrich undergraduate education, providing a unique set of experiences that integrate our four defining pillars: community engagement, service-learning, undergraduate research and career exploration.

You must be accepted to the Honors College and meet course requirements to graduate with departmental or university honors. Learn more on the  Irvin D. Reid Honors College website.

First-Year Interest Groups

Designed to bring together students with similar interests and academic goals, First-Year Interest Groups (FIG) utilize block scheduling to create learning communities and simplify registration to two clicks. Block schedules are a combination of courses based on a specific academic interest or theme. Registering for a FIG takes some of the frustration and guesswork out of selecting and registering for classes.

As part of First-Year Student Orientation, students will be invited to sign up for a FIG based on their interests and placement. Most incoming first-year students will take four or five classes their first semester, for a minimum of 12 credits for full-time study. If approved, a set of courses will be pre-loaded into their registration. Students will then work with their advisors to register for their FIG and complete their schedules.