In The Media

Autoworkers slam the brakes--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW poised for midnight strike at plants in Wayne, Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, and Wentzville, Missouri--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Temps, tiers take center stage in UAW negotiations. What’s at stake--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike update--with Marick Masters
In the Media
WSU professor Dr. Marick Master on UAW negotiations
In the Media
How the UAW came to represent so many non-autoworkers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW’s Shawn Fain is using strategy that throws Detroit automakers off balance, expert says--with Marick Masters
In the Media
What’s happened, how things have changed since UAW last went on strike in 2019--with Jeff Rightmer
In the Media
UAW president Fain sees movement from Detroit Three despite 'inadequate' Stellantis offer--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Historic UAW strike continues against Detroit’s Big Three automakers: What to know--with Jeff Rightmer
In the Media
Discussing the UAW’s strike strategy--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Flashpoint: UAW strike deadline nears, COVID surge latest, and how applying to colleges has changed--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Autoworkers plan pickets and pinch pennies as strike nears--with Marick Masters
In the Media
‘They’ve got a lot of territory to cover,’ local business professor says of UAW contract negotiations--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike enters Day Four--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW on strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Discussing the likelihood of UAW strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Auto Workers Poised For Historic Strike Against 'Big Three' Automakers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Is the UAW asking too much?--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW members sign up for strike shifts ahead of contract expiration--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW declares strike at Ford, GM, Stellantis for 1st time in history: What to know--with Jeff Rightmer
In the Media
How electric vehicles factor into UAW negotiation talks--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Ford CEO: 'Most generous offer in 80 years' made to UAW as deadline looms for Big 3 workers, suppliers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike countdown: Union president says targeted strike possible at all Big Three automakers--with Marick Masters
In the Media
What will it take to avoid a UAW strike? Labor experts give their take--with Marick Masters
In the Media