In The Media

Auto industry experts warn of long-term effects from a prolonged strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
How close a deal could be with ford--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Wayne State student athlete scoring high on the field and classroom
In the Media
UAW’s Strike Strategy to Benefit from Pro-Worker Labor Board--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW's most contentious negotiation period evident in op-ed pieces--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike enters day 6, expansion looming--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW expands strike on GM, Stellantis--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike: Which Big 3 plants could be targeted next by union--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike: 4 things to know as Michigan braces for it to spread--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Jeep maker Stellantis makes a new contract offer as auto workers prepare to expand their strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW working to end tier system--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW on strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
The Moment It All Changed for UAW President Shawn Fain--with Marick Masters
In the Media
As UAW, Detroit 3 fight over wages, here's a look at autoworker pay, CEO compensation--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike day 10: Ford emerges from walkout's first week with a couple of wins--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Experts weigh in on UAW's targeted strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Do strikes work?--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike day 6: Walkouts trigger more layoffs as impact spreads--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Canadian autoworkers ratify contract with Ford; UAW strike enters 11th day with no end in sight--with Marick Masters
In the Media
EVs add fuel to UAW strike--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW Strike Day 6: Stellantis makes new counteroffer, announces layoffs along with GM--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike: Why a Detroit labor dispute runs through the South--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Experts: Shawn Fain's biting style is creating a moment, just like another UAW labor icon--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike: Gretchen Whitmer needs to avoid Michigan speed bumps ahead of 2028--with Marick Masters
In the Media
How Elon Musk and Tesla Helped Spark the Auto Strikes--with Marick Masters
In the Media