Mike Ilitch School of Business News

UAW members at Ford, GM plants in Kentucky and Michigan reject tentative deal--with Marick Masters
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Big Three deals moving through ratification process--with Marick Masters
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UAW deals would pay workers who were on strike, laid-off--with Marick Masters
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National Labor Relations Board: 366 Starbucks stores have voted to unionize since 2021--with Marick Masters
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Fighting for the American dream--with Marick Masters
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Ford’s striking, laid off UAW members get extra money in tentative deal: Here’s how much--with Marick Masters
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UAW members at the first Ford plant to go on strike vote overwhelmingly to approve new contract--with Marick Masters
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Number of women in business schools continues to climb--with Toni Somers
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UAW attempting to expand its ranks after the strike--with Marick Masters
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The big win for salaried UAW members at GM and Stellantis in the tentative agreements--with Marick Masters
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UAW’s Big 3 Retirement Deals Fall Short of Pension Revival--with Marick Masters
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Alex Davidson and Scott Tainsky accepted for publication in Sport Management Review  
Ford employees back to work after strike--with Marick Masters
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Wayne State President Emeritus M. Roy Wilson honored at State Hall dedication
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After big win against Detroit automakers, UAW bid to expand member rolls won't be easy--with Marick Masters
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Winners and losers in UAW tentative agreements--with Marick Masters
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Siobhan Gregory and Gary Shields accepted into the Ford Technology for Social Impact Accelerator
Journey of business student Faith Osei illustrates university’s amplified effort to produce career-ready graduates
Expert weighs in on potential economic effect as Ford workers vote on tentative UAW contract--with Marick Masters
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UAW reaches deal with General Motors that ends strikes against Detroit automakers pending votes--with Marick Masters
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How the UAW-Ford contract ratification process could play out--with Marick Masters
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Industry experts discuss latest on UAW's tentative agreements with the Big Three--with Marick Masters
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GEO creates solidarity fund to help members who participated in labor strike--with Marick Masters
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What the UAW won--with Marick Masters
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UAW expands GM strike to Tennessee plant--with Marick Masters
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