Mike Ilitch School of Business News

Auto workers union to announce plans on Friday to expand strike in contract dispute with companies--with Marick Masters
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UAW strike impact: Joint ventures--with Marick Masters
In the Media
UAW strike expands to 7,000 additional members--with Marick Masters
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Workers expand strike against automakers amid dueling visions--with Marick Masters
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Abhijit Biswas accepted for publication in Journal of Consumer Psychology
UAW sets new Friday deadline--with Marick Masters
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Stellantis' last-minute bargaining move with the UAW saved Michigan jobs — for now--with Marick Masters
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UAW strike set to hit deep into the industry's supply base--with Marick Masters
In the Media
Family tradition: Business student, great aunt help Latino students thrive
UAW members & auto expert weigh in on Trump choosing non-union location for his MI visit--with Marick Masters
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Striking UAW members say they want benefits they gave up in 2007-2009 back: What they lost--with Marick Masters
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Trump Battles Biden for Union Vote in Strike-Embroiled Michigan--with Marick Masters
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Progress reported in talks with Ford as strike continues--with Marick Masters
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UAW's Fain likens auto talks, strike to World War II 'Arsenal of Democracy'--with Marick Masters
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5 takeaways as the UAW strike captures the political stage--with Marick Masters
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Biden, Trump fight for blue-collar voters in 2024 with dueling trips to Michigan for UAW strike--with Marick Masters
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UAW strikes more plant locations--with Marick Masters
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2023 GM/WSU Case Competition is set to kick off October 19
What UAW's Shawn Fain hasn't talked about could provide focus for a deal--with Marick Masters
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Overall impact of labor movement in U.S.--with Marick Masters
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Industry expert shares what may come next for UAW negotiations with the Big 3--with Marick Masters
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Fain pushes UAW into political arena as strike hits second week--with Marick Masters
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Nusrat Jahan accepted for publication in AUDITING: A Journal of Practice & Theory
President Joe Biden arrives in Michigan to walk UAW picket line--with Marick Masters
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UAW strike: Where things stand on Day 11--with Marick Masters
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