Joey VanDevender

Joey VanDevender
Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs and Enrollment Management
Part-Time Faculty in Marketing

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Get to know Joey VanDevender


VanDevender came to Wayne State from West Virginia University, where he served as the executive director of graduate programs within the John Chambers College of Business and Economics. His responsibilities included enrollment management and advising oversight of graduate programs at the Chambers College, including developing and implementing strategies to increase graduate enrollment and student success. 

In his role at WVU, VanDevender developed recruitment strategies to grow graduate student enrollment by 82% between fall 2017 and fall 2022. He also aided student retention efforts by implemeting quick access advising appointments and scholarship opportunities. In addition, he developed a five year strategic plan to assist in diversity initiatives. 

Prior to his work at WVU, VanDevender was an assistant director of admissions at Davis & Elkins College where he implemented a scholarship program for students in a seven county radius. He also served as assistant coach of the College's NCAA Division II swim team. VanDevender taught business communications and salesmanship.