David Lucas

Faculty areas of expertise
The practice of professional leadership.
Innovation systems and team building.
Entrepreneurial coach and mentor.
Building value through diverse groups.
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Get to know David Lucas
• 23 years experience in organizational/industrial positions, including:
o Quality Mgr., Materials Mgr., Purchasing, Supply Chain, Program Management, Plant Management, Multi-facility General Management w/full P+L responsibilities.
• 22 years experience as a full-time faculty member of two universities.
o Created and delivered numerous courses in management, leadership, ethics, strategic planning, communication, entrepreneurship, org. culture, and global sustainability.
• Designed and implemented “Innovation, Systems, and Training” programs at the corporate and university level.
o Innovation programs designed on a continuous improvement methodology and team-based ideation.
o Training and Systems centered on “value creation” and full participation of ideas. (TQM , COQ, PPAP, HR Policy, etc…)
Ph.D. in Education with a Business Cognate (Wayne State University)
M.B.A (University of Detroit Mercy)
B.S Management/Economics (Oakland University)
The practice of professional leadership.
Innovation systems and team building.
Entrepreneurial coach and mentor.
Building value through diverse groups.
Servant Leadership methods.
Practical Strategic Leadership models.
Supply Chain Leadership and Value Chains.
Affective Leadership and Management.
Lucas, David B., “A study of the relationship between transformational leadership and constructive organizational culture in small manufacturing companies.” Proquest Dissertations And Theses 2005. Section 0254, Part 0454 118 pages; [Ph.D. dissertation].United States -- Michigan:
Wayne State University; 2005. Publication Number: AAT 3289474. ISBN: 9780549338390.
Lucas, David B. (2020). “Practicing servant leadership in a virtual world.”, Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Virtual, September 26, 2020. Alma, Michigan.
Lucas, David B., Bauer, Amanda, Fischione, Andrea (2021). “Creating Consistency in Virtual Education: Three Lenses: Higher Education, Urban/Charter Education, and Special Education”. Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Virtual, March 12, 2021. Alma, Michigan.
Lucas, David B., Fick, John (2022) “Using the Academic Program Review Process for Continuous Improvement: A Case Study” Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters. Virtual, March 11, 2022. Alma, Michigan
“Innovative Teaching Award” recipient - 2022