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WWJ-DET (CBS) - Detroit, MI
CBS News Detroit at 5pm
+ Local Market Viewership: 2,170
Local Publicity Value: $64.68per 30s
WWJ 4/22/2024 5:19:05 PM: ...represent workers and 9 other american plants. owned >>sadie's planet, vance alabama, just outside of tuscaloosa, is set to take place next month. >>joining us live thi evening to discuss is business. professor merrick masters from wayne state university thanks for joining us. tonight merrick >>let's hear to be here. good to see you. >>good to see you. so we have been discussing t potential for this to happen. for months now. >>huge win for the uaw. can you start jus by putting into perspective? how big a deal? this is not only for the uaw, >>the uaw. ita very. >>big deal. it would have been a major setback. campaign. it suggests to mat you could have lost this >>translating needs signatures on authorization cards into won't see him. that bodes well for what might happen having an election at which is in vance alabama mercedes. after that, it's going to be more difficult, i think for ccess breeds success, and i think that they will. >>re invigorate your efforts to organize all of the transplants him. >>the domestic based evening he's in the united states. >>what it means for the broader labor movement, it's harder to tell. but >>it is still a very steep membership continues to. decline is an overall percent of the workforce in the unions. really >>to workers. >>in various industries, including manufacturing >>to grow what is is saying abthe union itself. and the work that it does for those employees >>well, i think it continues to. >>gain momentum the question of an grow a lot is still open, i think. the you have to realize that, this >>and about 5000 perhaps >>war. numbers >>then about 375,000, which less than it was the year before. and much less than 1.5 million it had at its peakthe late 1970s. so there's a long way to go to work. forces grown a lot since the 1970s a lot to make up and it would take really magnitude and improvements. improvements. in ...