MPREP Scholars continue to connect during COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak dramatically changed how students navigate their college careers. All in-person meetings have either been cancelled or gone virtual for the foreseeable future. Despite this abrupt change, members of the PwC Multicultural Professional Readiness Education Program (MPREP) Scholars are still finding ways to stay connected and productive under quarantine.

MPREP is a unique learning community designed to encourage, support, develop and retain multicultural business students.

On April 9, MPREP Scholars ‘met’ with Denzel Palm, university relationship manager at Rock Central, via Zoom for a virtual workshop on “how to make the most out of your LinkedIn account.”

“We’re still making things happen,” said Diversity and Inclusion Program Manager for MPREP Lynita Taylor.

MPREP has been utilizing GroupMe and Zoom to keep their learning community engaged during quarantine. “Many of the students have still been earning summer employment opportunities and we celebrate all of those announcements on GroupMe, along with fun clips/gifs of how we’re feeling or what we’re doing,” said Taylor. MPREP Scholars have also still been engaging with their mentors via text, email and video calls.

Taylor has been hosting pop-in hours so that students can jump in for a quick chat/support if they want to. Winter semester is coming to an end, and the program will be returning in the fall semester either in-person or virtually.

For more information and updates about MPREP, please contact Lynita Taylor.

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