Ariel Levi to be published in Organizational Psychology Review

Management Professor Ariel Levi had his research accepted for publication in Organizational Psychology Review. The title of his paper is "The experience of work stress and context of time: Analyzing the role of subjective time." 

Organizational Psychology Review is a quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by SAGE in partnership with the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. The journal's aim is to publish original conceptual work and meta-analyses in the field of organizational psychology, broadly defined to include applied, industrial, occupational, personnel and work psychology, as well as organizational behavior.


Scholars have generally neglected the importance of the subjective aspects of time in the field of work stress. In this paper we analyze the joint effects of employee perceptions of subjective time and cultural, organizational, individual, and situational factors on employee experiences of stress. By explicitly considering the role of subjective time in stress research, we develop several propositions and discuss recommendations for future research. We discuss implications for organizational practice in reducing stress, revolving around the manipulation and experience of time.

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